(not available in the United States of America)
Relative and absolute quantification* of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ T-, B- and NK lymphocytes from liquid (fresh/frozen) or dried blood spots (DBS)
(not available in the United States of America)
For the determination of the percentages of T-lymphocyte (CD3+) in newborn capillary whole blood specimens collected and dried on filter paper.
The determination of the percentage of T lymphocytes with i.Mune NEO can be used as a second-tier test for samples with conspicuous TREC screening results to identify newborns at risk of suffering from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).
(not available in the United States of America)
Relative and absolute quantification* of CD4+ T- lymphocytes from fresh, frozen or dried blood
For lysis, bisulfite conversion and extraction of DNA from liquid whole blood or dried blood spots
*Relative quantification (%) is possible for all sample types; absolute quantification (cells/µl) currently for liquid (fresh or frozen) blood, only.
i.Mune® is a registered trademark of Epimune GmbH, in Europe, USA and/or other selected countries. All other trademarks, brands, names contained herein are the property of their respective owners.