Introducing i.Mune® Tests

i.Mune TBNK [CE]

(not available in the United States of America)

Relative and absolute quantification* of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ T-, B- and NK lymphocytes from liquid (fresh/frozen) or dried blood spots (DBS)

i.Mune NEO [CE]

(not available in the United States of America)

For the determination of the percentages of T-lymphocyte (CD3+) in newborn capillary whole blood specimens collected and dried on filter paper.

The determination of the percentage of T lymphocytes with i.Mune NEO can be used as a second-tier test for samples with conspicuous TREC screening results to identify newborns at risk of suffering from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).

i.Mune CD4 [RUO]

(not available in the United States of America)

Relative and absolute quantification* of CD4+ T- lymphocytes from fresh, frozen or dried blood

Research Reagents (RUO)

BisuPrep Reagents (RUO)

 For lysis, bisulfite conversion and extraction of DNA from liquid whole blood or dried blood spots

*Relative quantification (%) is possible for all sample types; absolute quantification (cells/µl) currently for liquid (fresh or frozen) blood, only.


i.Mune® is a registered trademark of Epimune GmbH, in Europe, USA and/or other selected countries. All other trademarks, brands, names contained herein are the property of their respective owners.